Grand Officers

Grand Master
M.W. Corey D. Hawkins, Sr., 33

Deputy Grand Master
R.W. Robert W. Glenn, 89

Grand Senior Warden
R.W. Woodie Pugh, Jr., 139

Grand Junior Warden
R.W. Maurice Edwards, 3

Grand Treasurer
R.W. Dr. James Gray, II, 490

Grand Secretary
R.W. Anthony Johnson, 50

Grand Trustee
R.W. Andrew J. Fuller, 6

Grand Trustee
R.W. Morris Tooles, II, 408

Chairman of Trustees
R.W. Victor Pettus, 32

Grand Senior Deacon
R.W. Acie L. Hale, 319

Grand Junior Deacon
R.W. Carlton Jones, 428

Grand Senior Steward
R.W. John Manuel, 1

Grand Junior Steward
R.W. Charlie Axle, 319

Grand Chaplain
R.W. Rev. Cedric S. Hrabowski, 31

Grand Standard Bearer
R.W. Charles Motley, Jr., 624

Grand Sword Bearer
R.W. Robert Goodloe., 46

Grand Marshal
R.W. Freddie Armstead, Jr., 26

Grand Pursuivant
R.W. George E. Wilson, 199

Grand Tyler
R.W. William Garrett, 410

Endowment Secretary
R.W. Dennis Simmons, 778

Grand Historian
R.W. L. Ken Collins II, 319

Grand Musician
R.W. Marxlyn David, 71

Grand Recording Secretary
R.W. Kevin Howard, 216

Chief of Security/Special Deputy
R.W. Johnny L. Isaac, 398

Convention Coordinator/ Corporate Liaison
R.W. Gregory Clark, 218

Grand Master's Aide
R.W. Quinton Burrow, 59

Assistant Grand Recording Secretary
R.W. Desmond Thomas, 33
Grand District Deputies

District: 1
R.W. Llewellyn Spencer, 2

District: 2
R.W. Lurie Walton, 694

District: 3
R.W. Robert Stallworth, 141

District: 4
R.W. Billy J. Stallworth, 196

District: 5
R.W. Robert Worlds, 356

District: 6
R.W. Raymond Franklin, 91

District: 7
R.W. Erwin Chambliss, 408

District: 8
R.W. Donald R. Parks, 345

District: 10
R.W. Edward Cobb, 395

District: 12
R.W. Richard Wilson, Jr., 642

District: 13
R.W. Alvin Crawford, 213

District: 14
R.W. Walter Green, 431

District: 15
R.W. Dr. James Gray, II, 490

District: 17
R.W. Jerome Glover, 17