49th Selma Voting Rights March
Prince Hall Freemasonry in Alabama
Alabama Department of Archives
An Oral History Project
by Our Grand Historian
52nd Selma Voting Rights March
Bloody Sunday Commemoration

On behalf of all Master Masons owing allegiance to the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge, Free and Accepted Masons, Jurisdiction of Alabama, and the entire Alabama Prince Hall Masonic Family, I welcome you to our website.
The purpose of our website is to enlighten and inform the Brothers of the Craft, along with the general public, about Prince Hall Freemasonry in Alabama, as well as the many programs taking place in this Jurisdiction. This website also serves as a means of disseminating information and broadening the accessibility of our Grand Lodge Headquarters.
We thank you for visiting, and again welcome to “Sweet Home Alabama”. If we can be of any assistance, please feel free to contact our office.
Corey D. Hawkins, Sr., Esq., KYGCH, 33°
Most Worshipful Grand Master, M.W.P.H.G.L., F. & A. M. of Alabama